Be the Flower, not the Bee – Interview with Marie Miyashiro
What would spark us to live and work in a way that has meaning for us, that would make the day, the month, the year worthwhile?
I’m constantly being re-inspired with the idea that the largest infrastructure in the world – the biggest thing that touches everyones’ lives in one way or another – are organizations. That’s exciting because it means that because it means if we can change the way people work, we can really have an effect on the planet.
There’s so much hope for empathy whether it’s through NVC (nonviolent communication) or other methods – so much hope for empathy and mindfulness in the workplace. It’s a trending topic and I think there’s going to be an explosion of it. I think training people in empathy is going to be one of the top three in-demand skills in workplaces going forward.
If we can change the way people work, we can really have an effect on the planet.
The most important questions that people can ask and answer together is, “where do we want to go together”? As I’ve gotten more seasoned in my professional practice and in life, I realized the power of having a bright, clear, vivid picture of my preferred, bright future. And what is enlivening is to connect with what we would love.
And when people come together to ask and answer that question, I have found that it’s magic.
This is something we probably want to want to play with at the New York Intensive. I would say that this New York Intensive is an opportunity for all of us to come together to make really practical how to bring NVC (nonviolent communication) into the world in a HUGE way. Not just in small pieces, but in a big way, and in a way where we are sourced ourselves – we’re getting filled and nurtured in every way – emotionally, financially.
We can have this.
The goal is not to be the bee, buzzing around trying to look for all these projects or companies or groups that we can help. The goal is to be the flower – where people come to us. I hope that if there’s one person hearing this that you decide to come because I believe that you will learn at least one big thing, and several little things that you can do immediately to become the flower and stop being the exhausted bee.
The 12th Annual New York NVC Intensive
July 11-18, 2015
Come together in community to practice, experience and live the NVC consciousness.