Embodying our Spiritual Values in Words & Action
Facilitators: Bonnie Mioduchoski & Philippe Daniel
There is no early registration discount for this course
This series is offered by application. After you read through the details, please click “view details below” to apply. Bonnie and Philippe will draw on their insight meditation background. They will assume you have an understanding of the Buddha’s basic teachings on the three characteristics, the four noble truths and the noble eight-fold path.
Connecting our meditation practice to how we speak to ourselves and others is an effective way to embody our spiritual values in words and actions. In this course, we will deepen our self-understanding through inquiry practices including Nonviolent Communication (NVC). Greater self-understanding leads to a more compassionate, spacious and open mind/heart (citta) which allows for a deepening of our meditation practice.
Space is limited. Includes a day-long retreat and series of 6 classes:
- 1 Day-Long Retreat: Saturday, September 17 9:30 am – 4:30 pm
- 6 Monday classes, September 19-October 26 7 pm – 9pm
- Individual one hour empathy session with Bonnie or Philippe. Offered on a dana basis. Includes an NVC/dana-practice
- Part-way through the program you will work with an empathy buddy weekly to augment your practice
NVC has contributed to our meditation practices in the ways described below. We have been studying and attending residential NVC retreats for years and while we hope you will experience as much of these as possible because of the class, please know that this is a practice, like meditation, and that it takes time to bear fruit.
- Increased understanding of limiting habitual patterns (thoughts, beliefs, judgments, self-judgments, etc.) which leads to their dissolution and gives access to a more appropriate response
- Fuller ownership of our experience (empowerment & accountability)
- Improved ability to share our experience with others in a way that’s more likely to be heard and received, especially when our experience might be hard for others to hear
- Increased compassion for ourselves and others as we move from self-judgment, and judgment of others, to an understanding of what drives us
- Empathy provides us a way to be in integrity with our wise speech practice but still support people who we perceive as “venting, gossiping, complaining, blaming, etc.”
- More ease in the face of conflict – we learn to embrace conflict as a natural part of life (samsara)
- Provides a way to become aware of and avoid the “spiritual bypass” (the use of spiritual beliefs to avoid dealing with painful feelings or ignored psychological issues often masked as spirituality, including self-judgment, excessive niceness, and emotional dissociation.)
This course is designed for any meditator seeking increased self-awareness and a healthier relationship with themselves and others. Both new and experienced NVC students welcome! Come to learn, integrate teachings, share wisdom and be in a safe and supportive community.
Requested meditation experience:
- Your attendance at the retreat is required for the series of classes
- Consistent daily or weekly formal practice
- You’ve attended one 7-10 day silent meditation retreat
- You have been exposed to the three characteristics, the four noble truths and the noble eightfold path
Partial scholarships are available.
Parking/Transportation: Street parking. 2 spots available in the driveway – offered to whomever arrives first. If you plan to drive and don’t have a Cambridge permit, we will provide you with a temporary permit via email (a PDF) that you can print out and put on your dash for the classes. You can also park, at your own risk, at the Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods and walk 3-5 minutes to the event. We are a 12-minute walk from the Central Square T; if you take bus 47 at Mass Ave/Pearl St. you’ll get dropped two blocks away (get off at Magazine / Chestnut). Visit the MBTA site for a schedule.
Helpful: We suggest all participants listen to the free talk with Marshall Rosenberg by Peace Talks Radio: http://www.goodradioshows.org/peaceTalksL36.html
The Facilitators
For more information about the facilitators, please visit this link: http://www.speakingoflistening.com/about/