Join John Kinyon this year for the 2018-19 Mediate Your Life program in Watertown. The training gives you universal conversation maps to navigate the inner and outer difficulties and conflicts of being human in your personal and work life. Learn and deepen skills and processes of empathic communication for mediating the human journey of continually reconnecting with heart and soul in daily life and the larger arcs of meaning and purpose in the challenges we face personally and collectively for our world.
One of the most valuable and powerful offerings of this program is to become part of the supportive empathic community of ongoing learning, practice, and growth beyond the workshops, and contributing to something larger.
The training is based in the work of Compassionate Communication (Nonviolent Communication/NVC), and integrates mindfulness, a mediation framework, and neuroscience. The program consists of three 4-day non-residential intensives. You can attend them individually as stand alone workshops, and take them together as a year program.